Electrical Infrastructure Development

The significative changes and transformations in the electricity sector will require the development, modification or enhancement of electrical infrastructure to increase the use of electrical energy, guaranteeing the quality and continuity of the supply. In this sense, environmental impacts, legal concessions management and early communities’ involvement are becoming increasingly relevant.

Likewise, we are experiencing the transformation of the network planning paradigm, from electrical systems with stable and centralized sources, towards the distributed generation from various energy sources with high variability.

The ThinKener Consultores team has extensive experience in formulation, evaluation and materialization of investment plans for electricity grid infrastructure development. We have the expert knowledge to address projects’ environmental impacts and concessions.

ThinKener Consultores puts at the service of companies their capacities, experience and relations in the electrical sector to advise them in the expansion, evaluation and decision making of investment, as well as in the stages of conceptual and basic engineering of transmission networks, substations and distribution lines

  • Electrical systems planning
  • Electrical infrastructure projects management
  • Substations, Transmission lines and Medium voltage networks engineering
  • Network connections and rights of way management
  • Environmental impact assessment and procedures
  • Technical inspection of electrical construction works